24-01-2018, Saat: 19:02
(En son düzenleme: 24-01-2018, Saat: 19:02 dalaylama.)
lucky boxlardan
Monster Summon Order, Pandora's Box
HP 500 increase order, MP 500 increase order
HP Recovery Crystals (Small), MP Recovery Crystals (Small)
Recovered Crystals (Small),Circle regenerating potion
Tteokguk (Experience increase 30%), Traditionalism (30% increase in skill experience)
Modification (20% increase in skill experience), Dumplings (20% increase in experience)
Sikhye (Skill experience increased 10%), Short (10% increase in experience)
Scroll of Strength, Scroll of Intelligence
Scroll of Evasion, Roll of hit
Scroll of Agility, Physical stones of body (15th)
Stones of Life (15th),Spirit Stone (15th)
Attributes of the Soul (15th), Evasive Attributes (15th)
The attribute stone of the container (15th), Attributes of the Titans (15th)
Attributes of Philosophy (15th), The attribute stone of speculation (15th) ve Attributes of Challenge (15th).